604.644.2556 edu-quest@avisglaze.ca

 influencing education across the globe

Influencing Education Across the Globe - Avis Glaze

Dr. Avis E. Glaze

International Education Adviser
Founding CEO, Ontario Literacy & Numeracy Secretariat
Former Ontario Education Commissioner

Avis has influenced  educational thought and discourse through her work with teachers, principals, superintendents, directors of education, politicians, parents, business and community leaders across the globe in countries such as:

Australia • The Bahamas • Barbados • Bermuda • Canada • Cayman Islands • Colombia • Denmark • England • Finland  Germany • Ireland • Italy • Jamaica • Latvia • Mexico • New Zealand • Norway • Scotland • Singapore • South Africa • Sweden  The Netherlands •Trinidad and Tobago • USA • Wales

“What a privilege it is to be an educator today! We now have access to an extensive knowledge base to help us resolve the seemingly most intractable concerns in our field. We are superbly equipped to use these new insights for further improvement. These are truly exciting times!” … Dr. Avis Glaze, University of Ontario Convocation Address.
Edu-Quest International
“As a young girl growing up in Jamaica, I believed in the value of a good education.  My philosophy was to reach for the stars and to achieve the highest level of education possible.  At age 11, I remember wanting to do a master’s degree.  I learned about a doctorate later on.” Avis
Avis became the first K-12 educator to receive the Order of Ontario for her outstanding contribution to education. She has become internationally renowned as a thought-leader in the field of education and as the Founder and CEO of Edu-quest International. Avis works tirelessly to address and provide solutions to the many challenges that educators face today. At home and abroad,  governments,  organizations and school districts have hired her as consultant and adviser, booked her for workshops and seminars,  and engaged her as a keynote speaker at conferences worldwide.
Click here to inquire about her services. 


My musings will touch on current issues and concerns, lessons learned, insights gained, actions taken and what remains to be done. I will also include questions from young people and thoughts about my interactions with adults as I go about my daily business.


Avis Glaze with Captain Sandra Loutitt

Recognizing our progress

Dr. Glaze was simply elated to fly from Edinburgh with Captain Sandra Loutitt on June 7, 2024. Avis was a strong advocate in education and at the Ontario Women’s Directorate for “women in non- traditional occupations” in the seventies and eighties.

“I am so pleased to see the progress that women like Captain Loutitt have forged.  But we cannot rest on our laurels.  Much work remains to be done! There are still barriers that need to be removed and more doors to be opened to facilitate progress for women and girls….

In the meantime, let’s celebrate their achievements and lift others as we climb.

On a lighter note,  I will always remember the words of an individual,  when we talked, ad nauseum to some,  about the importance of women in aviation.

He said:

If the Lord wanted women to fly  he would have made the skies pink!

Let’s prove him wrong – even though the skies remain blue!”

congratulations Koji!


Little did I think in 2003 that one of my own cousins would one day stand beside that plaque upon his graduation from a school that we built when I was Director of Education in Peterborough. I was grateful to receive this note from Father, Nahgeib Miller, whose sons have attended the school …

“Hello Cousin Avis:

It was Koji’s graduation today and just like that – our time at G.J. Macgillivray School is over!  Your legacy has benefited thousands, including my family.”

Nahgeib Miller


World Education Summit

Avis Glaze was invited to present a keynote address  at the World Education Summit, March 22, 2022. Her topic was  on how equity, social justice and empathy need to be embedded into the education system.

“It was such an  honour to be invited; to share the stage with renowned educators from around the world; and, to speak to an audience of 50,000 plus  from 87 different countries!”
Avis Glaze





In Norway, at the invitation of Queen Sonya, to speak to principals of schools with the Queen Sonya Award



“If you had money only to do two things, you should do this: improve your instructional effectiveness and build the capacity of your leadership cadre. According to research, these are two things over which school systems have control.” Avis Glaze

Organizations invite Dr. Glaze to review their progress on strategic priorities, identify gaps, propose solutions and identify areas for improvement.  This process includes … MORE

Seminars & Workshops

Edu-Quest offers values-driven workshops and seminars under the leadership of Avis Glaze. The workshops are designed to assist schools and organizations in developing the capacities, competencies and commitment necessary to improve their schools and systems … MORE

Executive Coaching

Avis is a highy respected thought leader who is invited to work with leaders across the globe ...MORE



Avis in the hot seat, being grilled by cub reporters  Oscar and Willis at the Character Scotland Conference

Character Scotland

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Glaze is a sought-after speaker at major conferences at home and abroad. Participants look forward to her research-informed presentations, laced with stories and examples of her cherished practical experiences at all levels … MORE

My Path - Avis Glaze

Early in life my first career choice was to become a lawyer. That changed after I met a teacher who denounced prejudice and racism and who believed in equity and social justice – causes that were very important to me at the time. I decided that I wanted to become a teacher. I felt strongly that teachers make a significant difference in children’s lives and in society-at-large … MORE

Awards & RecognitionMichaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada; James Bartleman, Lieutnant Governor of Ontario, Former Attorney General,  Roy McMurtry and other dignitaries.

As one of Canada’s outstanding educators, Avis has been recognized for her work in leadership development , student achievement, school and system improvement, character development, and equity of outcomes for all students…”  Peter DeWitt. … MORE

Avis Glaze - Author: Reaching the Heart of Leadership

Reaching the Heart of Educational Leadership reflects on, and identifies, key leadership lessons learned over a lifetime by an educator who seeks to shift the focus from educating minds to educating hearts, emphasizing the role of affect in interpersonal relationships … MORE

18 Women All K-12 Educators Should Know

Avis featured in  Education Week Peter DeWitt’s Finding Common Ground as one of 18 Women All K-12 Educators Should Know.   “Dr. Avis Glaze is an international leader in the field of education. As one of Canada’s outstanding educators, she has been recognized for her work in leadership development, … MORE

Rotary International
Avis is a Proud Rotarian