604.644.2556 edu-quest@avisglaze.ca

Organizational  Reviews 

Organizational Effectiveness Reviews, Leadership Development and Implementation Models.

Dr. Glaze to review their progress on strategic priorities, identify gaps, propose solutions and identify areas for improvement.  This process includes the creation of a leadership development models to monitor and support improvement with a strong emphasis on developing clear goals, processes and procedures, success criteria, indicators of success, a clearly defined implementation process and effectiveness review.

Examples include:

  • Review Mandates
  • Provide Coaching Where Necessary
  • Optimize Outreach Efforts
  • Devise Ways to Remove Barriers to Success
  • Create Organizational Effectiveness Framework
  • Self-evaluation to Enable Individuals and Departments to Monitor Their Progress
  • Develop External Evaluation Process to Ensure Stakeholders see the review as fair, inclusive and objective.
  • Builds good-will and confidence in the efforts necessary to implement recommendations successfully and with a sense of urgency.

Organizational Effectiveness Reviews

“If you had money only to do two things, you should do this: improve your instructional effectiveness and build the capacity of your leadership cadre. According to research, these are two things over which school systems have control.” Avis Glaze

Early in my career as a divisional administrator, I heard Dr. Glaze speak at a summer institute for Manitoba superintendents. During this session, she told a story about how she spent her Sundays as a new superintendent visiting churches and places of worship within her district. I have thought about this often as an exemplar for getting to know the people that I serve. Dr. Glaze has a passion for learning and is committed to improving outcomes for students that is evident when she leads professional development  sessions.
Stephen David – Division Superintendent, Park West School, Manitoba

“Avis Glaze is one of those outstanding leaders
who cares deeply about equity and social justice, sees the big picture and is a master at blending moral purpose,
political realities and change savvy. Drawing on a wealth of experience and successes, there are few educators
in the world who can match her leadership qualities
and ability to teach others.”

Michael Fullan, OISE/UT